Legal Insight on Successful Commercial Collections

Advice from a Commercial Collections Attorney Oakland Law Firm

Business Attorney OaklandThe collections process can be excruciating and sad, even for business owners who acknowledge the need to maintain operations and protect cash flow. To collect debts effectively and avoid the need for a commercial collections attorney, you need a positive, albeit realistic attitude, and you need to be able to communicate your needs and demands with urgency and firmness.

Different circumstances call for different measures. Do you need to collect from a vendor who had been a reliable resource for a decade before falling on hard times? Or do you need to hold a dubious client accountable to a contract you only recently signed?

Document everything that happens during the process, and save relevant emails and written correspondence. Relationships can go sour even with great intentions; having documentation can be crucial if you need to take legal action with the help of a contracts attorney.

Your goal is not to alienate the business, but rather to meet your company’s cash flow and contractual needs. Strive for win-win outcomes, if possible. For instance, maybe the business has been going through a cash crunch or downsizing transition, and the owners might be willing to negotiate a payment plan if you extend a fair offer.

On the other hand, the company could be blatantly dishonest or could be exploring bankruptcy options to eliminate or limit its debts.

Renowned San Francisco Business Attorney Can Help

An effective, experienced business attorney can guide you through the collections process and help you avoid common mistakes. Consult a commercial attorney with Poniatowski Leding Parikh Law Corporation at (510) 881-8700 if you’ve been struggling to collect money owed to your business. We can help you solve your cash flow issues and regain clarity and peace of mind about how to proceed.